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Hearing Blog

How to encourage a loved one with hearing loss to seek help

October 14, 2021

It’s been proven that — left untreated — hearing loss can have a negative effect on our quality of life. Studies have linked untreated hearing loss to decreased cognitive function, higher incidences of hospitalizations, falls and depression, and increased risk of social isolation and dementia. Those studies don’t take into account how ignoring hearing loss can diminish social interactions, television and movie watching, enjoyment of music and nature, and increase our feelings of missing out ...

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How to know if you have hearing loss

October 1, 2021

Not sure if you have hearing loss? That’s not uncommon. Hearing loss symptoms are subtle and typically emerge slowly. It frequently takes years for people to realize they have hearing loss. Also, we simply don’t test our hearing enough. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that “less than half of adults who reported trouble hearing had seen a healthcare provider for their hearing in the past five years.” There’s ...

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Could earwax be causing my hearing loss?

September 23, 2021

Since earwax seems to be a popular topic these days (don’t ask us why, but earwax cleaning videos are trending on social media), we thought now was a good time to answer this FAQ. Can earwax cause hearing loss? A lot of things can cause hearing loss. Noise exposure. Aging. Certain medicines. And yes, too much earwax. But earwax alone is rarely the only cause of one’s hearing loss. In fact, very few ...

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Hearing aids may positively effect the rates of cognitive decline

September 8, 2021

Today’s blog makes for a rare good news/bad news/good news blog. The first good news is that more of us are living longer than ever. Let’s toast to that! The bad news is, as our population increasingly ages, the rates of dementia increase right alongside. The World Health Organization (WHO) has the number of people currently living with dementia at 50 million — but projects that will triple by 2050. And while ...

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12 reasons you should test your hearing

August 13, 2021

After the past year of living socially distant and behind masks, we think reconnecting is more important and coveted than ever! Unfortunately, it’s also more challenging for those of us with hearing loss — which is the biggest reason why 2021 should be the year to test your hearing and treat it if it turns out you have hearing loss! But just in case reconnecting to life and making sure you never miss out again ...

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12 reasons to get Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids

July 15, 2021

If you’ve been holding out on getting hearing aids because you were waiting for something that didn’t scream “hearing aid!” while also offering unheard of sound quality and high-tech, life-just-got-way-easier features, well then you know how the next paragraph begins. Hold out no longer and check out Livio Edge AI custom rechargeable hearing aids. Custom hearing aids have been around a long time — and Starkey has always been the undisputed leader in their ...

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Regular hearing checkups are a good idea

July 2, 2021

If you’re proactive about your health and well-being — and more of us are today than ever before — then you may already test your hearing regularly. But if you don’t and you want to know why you should, keep reading. Benjamin Franklin famously said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Even if you don’t know the saying, it’s most likely a philosophy you put into practice in many ...

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Why two hearing aids are better than one

June 18, 2021

Ok, try this: Cover one eye with your hand and look around. Notice how clarity, depth perception and spatial awareness are affected? It’s not much different with our ears. Just as we use both eyes to see our best, our two ears work together to help us hear our best. That’s why it’s usually recommended — even if hearing loss is predominantly in one ear only — to boost both ears with hearing aids ...

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I have hearing loss - now what?

June 3, 2021

What to do if you think you have hearing loss Most people who have hearing loss aren’t born with it. Instead, hearing loss creeps up on us over time, usually caused by exposure to loud noises, aging, or some combination of the two. Statistics show that the prevalence of hearing loss doubles for every decade of life, which explains why one out of three people 65-74 have hearing loss, nearly half over 75 have ...

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Can hearing loss be restored?

May 19, 2021

The quick and frank answer to the question, “Can hearing loss be restored?” is no, once hearing is lost, you cannot restore it to how it was. But notice the “how it was” part of that answer. That’s because, while you can’t go back to the way you used to hear, you can still absolutely treat hearing loss and significantly improve how well you’re currently hearing. Let us explain. There are basically ...

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