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Hearing Blog

It’s better to deal with hearing loss earlier rather than later

March 1, 2023

A  2020 New York Times article headlined “Can Hearing Aids Help Prevent Dementia?” covers a lot of things we’ve known — and have been sharing with you — for years. Like that hearing loss is very common, that it’s a risk factor for things like cognitive decline, social isolation and dementia, and that too few people take it seriously.   As you'd expect from the headline, the article focuses primarily on this link between hearing ...

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It’s better to deal with hearing loss earlier rather than later

March 1, 2023

A 2020 New York Times article headlined “Can Hearing Aids Help Prevent Dementia? ” covers a lot of things we’ve known — and have been sharing with you — for years. Like that hearing loss is very common, that it’s a risk factor for things like cognitive decline, social isolation and dementia, and that too few people take it seriously. As you'd expect from the headline, the article focuses primarily on this link between hearing ...

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Loneliness is not good for your health

February 17, 2023

Maybe it’s been this way for a while and we just didn't notice, but loneliness is getting a lot of attention from healthcare professionals lately.   One obvious reason is COVID-19, which has forced people to socially distance or isolate themselves, and has severely limited in-person interactions, especially for older adults.   Another reason is the increasing evidence of its negative effects on our health — like social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased mortality ...

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Loneliness is not good for your health

February 17, 2023

Maybe it’s been this way for a while and we just didn't notice, but loneliness is getting a lot of attention from healthcare professionals lately. One obvious reason is COVID-19, which has forced people to socially distance or isolate themselves, and has severely limited in-person interactions, especially for older adults. Another reason is the increasing evidence of its negative effects on our health — like that loneliness is as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes ...

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Your hearing and your heart, sitting in a tree...

February 4, 2023

It’s February, which, thanks to Valentine’s Day, is a good month to discuss matters of the heart. Plenty will be written and said about the heart’s connection to love. We’ll leave that topic to the relationship experts. Instead, we want to discuss the heart’s connection to hearing and hearing loss — a subject much more in our comfort zone. And studies show there is a connection. Turns out hearing health and ...

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Your hearing and your heart, sitting in a tree...

February 3, 2023

It’s February, which, thanks to Valentine’s Day, is a good month to discuss matters of the heart. Plenty will be written and said about the heart’s connection to love. We’ll leave that topic to the relationship experts. Instead, we want to discuss the heart’s connection to hearing and hearing loss — a subject much more in our comfort zone. And studies show there is a connection. Turns out hearing health and ...

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It can be hard to follow doctors’ orders if you have hearing loss

January 19, 2023

Today’s hearing fact probably isn’t something that comes to mind when you think about hearing loss. But — if you do think about it — makes a lot of sense. It’s also potentially much more consequential than, say, missing a punchline in your favorite sitcom or your name being called when your Starbucks mocha is ready. According to Reuters and the National Institute on Aging, untreated hearing loss can result in trouble understanding a ...

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It can be hard to follow doctors’ orders if you have hearing loss

January 19, 2023

Today’s hearing fact probably isn’t something that comes to mind when you think about hearing loss. But — if you do think about it — makes a lot of sense. It’s also potentially much more consequential than, say, missing a punchline in your favorite sitcom or your name being called when your Starbucks mocha is ready. According to Reuters and the National Institute on Aging, untreated hearing loss can result in trouble understanding a ...

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Should you get a hearing test?

January 4, 2023

Do you ever feel like the people you’re talking to are mumbling or speaking too quickly? Are you having to ask others to repeat themselves frequently? Or maybe you’re struggling to follow a conversation when there is background noise? If so, these could be indicators that you have a hearing loss. It’s not uncommon for friends and family members to notice we have hearing loss before we do. Most likely, it’s ...

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Should you get a hearing test?

January 4, 2023

Do you ever feel like the people you’re talking to are mumbling or speaking too quickly? Are you having to ask others to repeat themselves frequently? Or maybe you’re struggling to follow a conversation when there is background noise? If so, these could be indicators that you have a hearing loss. It’s not uncommon for friends and family members to notice we have hearing loss before we do. Most likely, it’s ...

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